Release Notes

Partner Program release notes provide information on the improvements made in the various modules of the Partner Program. Release notes present the improvements in three categories: Feature, Changed and Deprecated.

Feature: It provides information on new development in the Partner Program.

Changed: It describes a modification in the prominent attribute of a module.

Deprecated: It reports an alteration which is no longer available.

Bug: It communicates a note regarding bug resolutions in the Partner Program.

Version V2.27.0.12851 (March 13, 2024)

Terminate functionality has been added in the KeyStore module. Users can now terminate single or multiple keystore records.

Whitelist Certificate functionality has been added. User will be able to create, edit, delete, search, filter Whitelist Certificate.

Keystore import is now supported via Microchip manifest, meeting specific client requirements.

A new KeyStores Event Monitoring screen has been added. It will display the generated notifications on the screen.

Fixed the issue of incorrect total count (Keystore + Device) in the KeyStore module.

CA Signed Certificate and CA Signed Individual Certificate have been moved into x509 for better management and allocation of devices.

Updated software and hardware template for X509 merging, ensuring seamless certificate-related changes.

Version V2.26.0.12650

New AppConnect solutions have been added to DevLab, enabling users to subscribe to and unsubscribe from partner offerings directly within the Azure portal. This streamlines the process of connecting to valuable partner solutions. Pre-configured solutions now available in DevLab:

  1. Smart Air Quality
  2. Smart Water Quality
  3. Smart Warehouse
  4. Smart Vending Machine
  5. Smart Office
  6. Smart Refrigeration
  7. Smart Lighting
  8. Smart Facility Monitoring
  9. Smart Energy Monitoring
  10. Smart Elevator
  11. Smart Connected Worker

Version V2.24.0.12248 (December 20, 2023)

Multi-Platform Support: The Subscription Portal now offers subscription solutions on both Azure and AWS platforms, providing users with versatile options.

CPID Search: Users can now easily search for consumers using CPID, streamlining the consumer management process.

A new Status Filter has been added to the Connect Studio Solution's filter list. Users can now filter solutions based on their active or inactive status, enhancing solution visibility and management.

Version V2.22.0.11846 (November 1, 2023)

Partners can use AWS connectors to securely connect their on-premises and cloud-based databases to AWS services. AWS connectors are available through subscription plans in the Product module. Also, consumers can view the related configuration in IoTConnect.

Partners can now view consumption of the package by their consumers for the plans created with AWS services in the Consumer module.

In Subscription portal, all the subscription plans are created on AWS services. Hence, new subscribers can subscribe to plans created on AWS services only.

In Device Management module, partners can manage and unmanage devices with IoTConnect AWS services.

Version V2.21.0.11746 (October 10, 2023)

Message Version 2.1 helps improve the reliability and security of templates. This is because it has been thoroughly tested and vetted by a large community of users and developers. Templates created in AWS Instance for software product in the Product module or in the DMS module must use Message Version 2.1.

SQS is a highly scalable and performant messaging service that can handle a large volume of messages without impacting the performance of the IoT product. We have added SQS configuration in the Product module for AWS Environment in the Configuration tab.

In ExpressConnect module, partners can create designs only for Azure products.

In Device Management module, partners will not be able to select ExpressConnect checkbox for their AWS products as it is not currently available.

Partners can manage their devices associated with the AWS environment in the DMS module, including allocating, managing and deleting them.

Version V2.20.0.11545 (September 14, 2023)

Partners now have the ability to create, delete and manage/unmanage the devices they own within the AWS IoT Core Service Provider account. This empowers partners to efficiently oversee their device ecosystem. By clicking on "View" button, partners can access and review their account details.

We have implemented AWS software packages for partners through the Software Service. Partners can seamlessly use these packages to create AWS production environments for their products. This streamlines the software management process, making it more efficient and user-friendly. These packages are thoughtfully curated to facilitate the creation of robust AWS production environments tailored to their specific product requirements.

We have temporarily concealed the "Connectors" option within the Subscription segment when creating a plan in environment from an AWS instance. This adjustment has been made to ensure a smoother user experience. Rest assured, we remain dedicated to enhancing this feature in further developments.

Version V2.19.0.11344 (August 16, 2023)

The data type of a sensor value determines how it is interpreted and processed. If the wrong data type is entered, the sensor value may not be interpreted correctly or may even cause errors. Hence, to avoid such errors, we have included Message type 2.1 along with Message type 1.0. It allows partners to enter sensor value in bit, Boolean, date, datetime, decimal, integer, latlong, long, object, string and time. This is added in Device Management and Product modules.

In the IoT Service Providers module, we have added AWS IoT Core as a service provider. Partners can now be independent of IoTConnect and choose their own IoT platform with this service.

Version V2.18.0.11143 (July 18, 2023)

Partners can enter umlaut characters in Consumer module. This allows them to ensure the authenticity of their company’s name.

In Device Management module, partners can now view the service provider for their managed devices.

Partners can view certification type in the Import Batch History segment from Device Management module.

Partners can have a unique KeyStore ID throughout the Partner Program portal.

Version V2.17.0.10942 (June 26, 2023)

Partners can now mange and allocate Authentication Type 7 - CA Signed Individual certificate to their device in Device Management module.

For better guidance, Partner Program has added help wizard in IoT Services module.

Partner can enter special character, for their users and consumers in first name and last name field throughout the Partner Program portal.

Version V2.16.0.10741 (May 25, 2023)

Device management package details have been removed from Partner Services module. You can now select package while creating IoT service provider.

We have added KeyStores in Partner Program. Keystores is a secure storehouse for certificates that facilitates storage and management of device certificates. You can also assign certificates to the devices in bulk.

Partner Program allows you to choose from Azure and AWS. IoT Services module offers IoT services that are compatible with both Azure and AWS platforms. These services are designed to support and enhance IoT deployments for partners.

In the Branding module, we have removed basic branding. You can access advanced branding option to create your brand theme right from start to finish. It involves strategic approaches to create a distinctive brand identity through consistent visual branding and personalized customer experiences.

We have added a module for KeyStores in the help wizard. You can refer to it when you need any help regarding KeyStores.

When you create a ticket in support module, the email that you receive will display the name of your company along with other details.

Version V2.15.0.10540 (Apr 25, 2023)

Partners can enter their email addresses that are long. We have increased the character limit to 100 characters. This applies to all modules within the portal.

Our Branding module enables partners to customize the email templates for forgot password and temporary password emails that consumers receive when they click on the relevant links. Partners can download sample templates from the module and design their own emails to ensure brand consistency.

Users will receive an email that includes their name as well as the name of their company when they sign up on the Partner Program portal and become a partner.

Version (April 14, 2023)

Partner Program offers AppConnect module where you can use ready-to-deploy solutions that can be customized as per the defined use case. We have implemented the launch configuration for Genset Monitoring, Fleet Management and Greenhouse solutions so you can access the full potential of the solution and explore its working.

We offer a detailed consumer invoice as a proof of a transaction. This ensures accuracy, transparency, facilitates payment information and builds trust among both the parties.

In the Plan History module of the Subscription Portal, we have included Transaction Price segment to better understand the pricing model of the plan that the user has subscribed.

Users will receive an email when their plan expires. They will also receive a reminder email for auto-renewal.

In Partner Program portal, when a partner user is created, DevLab is the default role associated with the user. Admin or Owner can later assign a different role. There can only be one partner user with Owner or Admin role in IoTConnect.

Consumers can now manage their subscription from IoTConnect portal.

A template is already associated with every pre-defined solution in AppConnect. Each template has a unique ID. Users can now view TemplateGUID from the Environment module.

We aim to create portal that is easily accessible on a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. Hence, the registration module of Subscription Portal is now mobile responsive.

Version 01, 2023)

Partner Program offers AppConnect module where you can use ready-to-deploy solutions that can be customized as per the defined use case. One such solution is Smart Asset Management. We have implemented the launch configuration so you can access the full potential of the solution and explore its working.

We have introduced Subscription portal where you can select one of the plans and access IoTConnect directly. You can get all the details related to the Subscription portal in this article.

Version (November 01, 2022)

It is essential to place apt breadcrumbs for easy navigation. Considering it, Partner Program has made changes to the breadcrumbs in all its modules. Now, partners will better understand where they are in Partner Program.

We redesigned the page with a better UI in the consumer module. Now, partners can modify or cancel their plans with ease.

Version (September 27, 2022)

Partner Program emails were in static mode. Now, the header and footer of an email template are dynamic. It can be changed as per the requirements.

Previously, Partner Program offered a toggle button to allow users to change between the old and latest UX. We removed the toggle button as all users will experience the newest UX now.

The left menu is more visible now in Partner Program. Users can now have a better, interactive experience with the new left menu.

In the ticket module, users can add the necessary URLs and descriptions. This feature helps the users describe their concerns in detail and with specificity.

Version (September 01, 2022)

IoTConnect Instance webpage was not accessible in previous theme, but with new theme implemented, Partners can now access IoTConnect Instance webpage for better usability.

Partners can now access subscription plan module from Marketplace, while editing the subscription plan.

Partners can hide/show products in the Marketplace module. They can temporary hide their products and display them as per their requirements.

Earlier there was no package code provided in consumer details but now, Partners can manage Consumer module by adding package code.

Partners can now search with package code from consumer listing.

Version (Aug 04, 2022)

Previously, our partners had an option to associate with multiple types. For example, a device type partner can also be an OEM partner. However, to simplify processes, only one partner type will be associated with one partner.

Earlier the limit for allocating messages was 1000 messages per day. However, the limit is now set from 1 to 1 billion per day.

Several modules of Partner Program are only accessible in the new UI. Hence, from 17th August 2022, onwards the old UI will not be available. The toggle button to switch UIs will be disabled.

When a partner creates a ticket, the users associated with that partner will receive an email. Previously, they did not have an option to attach the ticket link in the email. Now, they can share the ticket link as well.

A user created by the admin partner can edit the tickets that are created by them. They can view tickets created by other users but will not be able to edit them.

AI module has been removed from Partner Program.

Partners can now create and clone their ExpressConnect designs.

While adding watcher for tickets, Partner Program will validate the email address to eliminate the use of public domain email addresses.

For subscription plans that our partners create for their consumers, there was no option previously to track the number of messages. Now, partners can get the average number of messages consumed daily by the consumer.

When a partner has logged in to Partner Program Portal with classic view on, the next time when the partner will log in again, by default, the UI will be set to classic mode.

Version (July 01, 2022)

Earlier, partners could create and manage both sandbox and production environment for their products. For a better understanding of the products created by partners, Partner Program now allows partners to create sandbox environment only. They can request to the admin for production after testing their products in development environment. However, service partners can’t request for production environment.

Once the production request is approved or rejected by the admin, partners will not be able to send the request again. In case of rejection, the partner can send the request again.

Partners can leverage design templates from ExpressConnect while managing their devices from Device Management module. They will get an option to choose the design flow from a drop-down list.

Version (Jun 06, 2022)

Each module of Partner Program will display the time and date when it was last modified or updated. The information will be displayed when a user clicks Last Update icon on the top right corner of each element. When the user views the details of an environment, they can click on the icon to get the details like when it was created, who created it and when it was last updated.

For better user experience, we have updated the theme and design for all the modules of Partner Program. After logging in to Partner Program, partners can click the toggle button located on the top right corner of the home page near the bell icon. This will enable them to use the new design and theme. However, if the partners wish to continue with the old theme, they can do as well. The features and modules do not change with the design or theme.

For ease of use, notifications will not open in a separate page. When a partner clicks on the bell icon, they will get notifications list as a scroll-down list. They can check the full list of notifications by scrolling.

If the information in any modules is not filled, i.e., the fields that are mandatory to be filled are empty, and if the partner continues to save the form, Partner Program will highlight the empty required field. Also, if a partner is in the process of filling a form and clicks on another module without saving the information, they will get a pop-up asking if they wish to save the changes.

Previously, a partner could restrict their users from accessing DevLab. We have added a similar feature where partners can restrict their users from accessing the Device Management module (DMS). Partners will get a checkbox to restrict DMS access while creating a user.

If a product has multiple environments and a partner has given access to their users for only one environment, they will be able to manage that environment and see other environments in read-only mode.

When a user gets an email regarding the services they can avail, they will also receive information related to their trusted partner.

We have added help wizard for better navigation. Partners will be able to see tool tips related to the module they are accessing. This will help them with a better understanding of that segment. They can skip the help wizard or move forward to read more about the model.

When a partner is logged in to the Partner Program and the account manager changes their partner type, they will get a pop-up message asking them to sign out. For example: if the account manager changes a solution partner to a service partner while browsing the portal, they will get a notification for the same along with a pop-up asking them if they want to log out and sign in again.

While creating tickets, partners can attach images in the description.

Version (Apr 11, 2022)

To better manage and allocate devices, Partner Program offers their OEM partners Device Management module. It allows them to efficiently manage and allocate devices and templates. They can access the production instance of our robust IoTConnect platform via this module to get in-depth understanding of their devices and allocation.

To provide better user experience to all our partners, we have eliminated the six-step onboarding process. This enables our partners to easily get started with Partner Program and browse the modules. Our dedicated account managers will have a consulting session with the partners to understand their requirements and accordingly customize Partner Program modules. With this approach, our partners can get an in-depth understanding of our services and can navigate through Partner Program with ease.

Version (Dec 28, 2021)

Help and support module has been modified to simplify the access to relevant topics. Partners can now easily create and manage tickets with just a few clicks and fill in the details for modules like Partner Program, IoTConnect and more. Help and Support are now two separate modules that partners can easily access from the top right corner of the portal.

Service and Solution partners can see the OEM partners list under their profile with Associated Partner Tab.

If the onboarding hasn’t been approved by the account manager, you can change the email address from My Profile segment.

For a better user experience and improved accessibility, we have added sideways navigation arrows in all the modules for easy navigation.

Along with products and users, partners can now download or export details like consumers, design flow, roles, etc., in CSV format.

In Role module, we have updated the product segment by adding ability to manage access for billing engine. This applies to services, solutions and OEM type partners.

We have implemented notification preferences user and role-wise. This enables partners to set alerts for users or specific roles according to their requirements.

In ExpressConnect Module, partners can not only create, view and edit design, they can also save and download the design with action button.

When pressing Enter key at any form in any module, it would direct partners to submit button. We have changed this. Now, partners will move to the next field in the form by clicking Enter.

To check the capabilities that your devices are certified for, you can hover your mouse over the device certificate instead of clicking on view device.

In Solutions Hub module, we have changed the terminology from ‘Add Solution’ to ‘Add Product’ to reduce complexity for better understanding.

For service type partners, we have removed the Branding tab from Solutions Hub module.

The ticket package in the support module has a default selection based on the product that you select to create a ticket for.

Version (Oct 18, 2021)

Partner Program has classified partners into six categories to help you using IoTConnect more efficiently. We call it ‘Partner Types’. For example, a developer partner uses the IoTConnect DevLab and creates a test build using IoTConnect and AppConnect. But that individual cannot build/manage/deploy the software and AI products, which the software partner does. Likewise, the device supplier partner can build/manage/deploy the hardware products only. The other three partner types are service partner, solutions partner, OEM partner. These partner types will follow different onboarding processes and get specific services based on their category.

Product sharing is enabled for OEM partners. They can now assign the products that they create to their service/solution partners.

We have defined matrix which helps partners with dynamic onboarding steps based on partner type. We have defined matrix which helps partners with dynamic onboarding steps based on partner type.

We have added a feature in device certification. From the device certificate list, you can now download IoTConnect certificate and IoTConnect certificate badge.

ExpressConnect allows the designing of your devices’ data flow using a drag and drop interface. Partner Program presents here the Guided Mode in the ExpressConnect module. By turning on the Guided Mode, you’ll get suggestions on product selection. Select the product from it and you’ll see them in the workbench.

Previously, partners could not download their product lists. You can now download hardware and software product lists in CSV format.

Amongst different partner types, service partners can build products for OEMs.

Amongst different partner types, solution type partners can create products for OEMs and themselves.

Developer partners can subscribe to AppConnect solutions.

Give unique identity to your products using Branding. Till now, we had basic branding. Currently, Partner Program offers advanced branding. In advanced branding, you can upload an HTML file with branding details. Once done, you can preview your branding page and submit it.

Once your profile is created, except for email and company name, you can change other details. While editing your profile, Partner Program now allows OEM partners to add associated partners. Associated partners can build solutions on your behalf.

Improved API performance by reviewing azure app insights. Spin up Azure SQL auto performance tuning to improve database performance.

Enabled Azure application insights for all API projects to analyze overall performance.

Partner’s device test run log and approval has been enhanced.

Version (July 19, 2021)

Considering Avnet’s decision to expand in other regions apart from North America to go global and help partners worldwide, while publishing your products to Solutions Hub, you can also add details like region and country. You can now search products by part number as well. Moreover, Partner Program now allows you to filter products based on region and country using advanced search in Solutions Hub.

From Solutions Hub, you can create and preview your branding page. Solution Hub’s Branding Builder allows you to create your branding page the way you want. You can use just an image or image with text or add comments and testimonials to build/strengthen/increase your brand recognition. This page will be reflected as a company or service provider page on the Solutions Hub marketplace. You will own a branding store in our marketplace.

Device certification confirms that devices work as intended when connected to the network. Considering the importance of device certification and to provide such a valuable thing handy, Partner Program now provides ‘Device Certification’ as a separate module.

Partner Program now allows you to identify a certified product in the product list. Till now, the product list presents that whether the product is software, hardware, or AI model. And whether it is system generated or products created by admin. Now, the product list shows whether the product is certified or not. Thus, it saves significant time and delivers essential information.

Solutions Hub is a dedicated marketplace for all IoT products and services. You can add your smart solutions and products in Solutions Hub to showcase them to the global market. We have added Solution Hub as a separate module in Partner Program. Now, you can access Solution Hub easily from the left menu.

Solution Kits have devices added in the workbench. You can create a design using pre-built designs provided through Solution Kits. Also, you can customize the design of the desired solution kit. Partners can add other devices in a category if required or use the same ones to create the design.

You will get more options for nodes or connectors in ExpressConnect design canvas. It can make your work efficient.

In Solutions Hub, you can select IoTConnect certified product with their certificate badge.

In Device Management, you can now connect the device using SDK or without SDK and prepare device firmware for device certification.

You can re-run device tests in case of failure in the first attempt and then proceed with device certification submission. This way, it saves your significant time from doing everything again from zero.

We have introduced permission checks in roles for product management. You can now manage your Solution Hub Branding using this permission check from roles. You can reach to role through setting.

Authenticate IoTConnect DevLab account using your credential for device certification test run. For that, you will get a drop-down list from IoTConnect DevLab to authentic devices.

Get a complete view of IoTConnect health for all your shared instances from instance.

You can now use more than one IO Expanders while creating a design in ExpressConnect.

Version (April 22, 2021)

To help users quickly understand which page or higher-level category they are on and how they got there, Partner Program has added breadcrumbs with a sticky header.

Partner Program now allows partners to save filter search. A partner can filter for any specific requirement like the type of devices, users, entity – and save each filtered search. Thus, it saves time and allows you to get to relevant information faster.

Previously, Partner Program was offering entity management, role management and my services separately. Considering the increasing number of features Partner Program being added, we have merged entity, role and services in Setting to compress the left menu. However, when partners click on entity or role, they will be redirected to entity and role pages respectively.

Partner Program now allows Partners to create a Sub-Partner. A Partner must take DevLab, Software and AppConnect rights to create a Sub-Partner, after which, Entity Type will reflect the Sub-Partner category. While creating a Sub-Partner entity, it is mandatory to create a user. Sub-Partner will appear in the user list.

Earlier, while creating software products, AppConnect configuration was not available. Partner Program has now facilitated that. The availability of AppConnect while developing a software product empowers you to customize products that best fit your needs.

We have made the IoTConnect DevLab page more user-friendly. Now, you will find IoTConnect DevLab and AppConnect on this page. Moreover, in the IoTConnect DevLab tab, we have added technical details. While in the AppConnect tab, you can filter the products using the AppConnect type and category.

Earlier, DevLab permission was not a primary requirement. It has now been removed from IoT management permission and set as mandatory for creating a Sub-Partner.

Sub-Partner will receive an email about their DevLab creation. Along with Partners, now they can also log in to Partner Program. Sub-Partner user type will stay as ‘Admin’ by default. Sub-Partner will also get access to their DevLab from the Product page.

Version (March 03, 2021)

Avnet’s IoT Partner Program is useful for partners who have clients from various domains and require a holistic environment to deploy, run and manage IoT projects. A partner needs to complete a 5-step onboarding process to utilize Partner Program fully. For some, the onboarding process can be time-consuming, resource-intensive and complex. So, Partner Program allows you to make someone else a primary contact by changing the first name, last name and email before onboarding.

Each IoT product (software or hardware) needs to assure security to build and grow a secured IoT ecosystem. Considering that, Partner Program allows you to whitelist devices for your IoT solutions. Partners can whitelist devices now from the Product Management module.

Partner Program now enables you to configure solutions to import, transfer, load and process data from various sources at the solution level. Solution configuration allows partners to sync IoTConnect module data with their cloud or on-premises storage.

To enhance the user experience, we have converted the ‘My Consumers’ page into three tabs. It delivers meaningful information like company name, consumer type, email and so on. In case if any device is attached to the consumer, it will also be showcased.

An email notification is triggered when an email address is changed. That email notifies the user that the email address has changed. Now, the email also communicates the first name and the last name of the person who made the change. Moreover, the email reaches to both the persons – one who is updating the email and the other who is becoming a primary contact person.

In line with our efforts to provide all details in one place, we have added an ‘instance type’ in the consumer list and detail page. It enables partners to know which instance type a consumer is using.

Considering different needs of each partner, we offer services. From Partner Program services, you can avail any module for a month, quarter or year. This allows you to check whether you need hardware-related services or software-related services. If you opt for hardware services, you will not need access to read/manage environment for your core business. Partner Program has modified certain access based on services you choose. Now, you will get access to read/manage environment only if you choose software services. The modification is regarding the usage of the service after a particular segment of the module is exhausted. We provide a cap of certain percentage as per the requirement for partners to continue to avail that service even after they have exhausted it. For a detailed understanding of services, you can refer this article.

Previously, consumers were not getting device allocation from hardware products. Now, Partner Program allows allocating devices from batch import. A user can allocate any batch of hardware devices to the consumer. Partners will also see the device activity logs and device allocation history of each consumer in the hardware product.

While uploading devices in bulk, Partner Program asks users to upload JSON file. The file requires a CSN. Partner Program has introduced the validation feature of that CSN now from 1 to 95.

Version (December 28, 2020)

Partner Program now offers 'My Services' instead of 'Plans and Packages'. As a partner, you can only avail the modules of Partner Program if you have those services implemented.

Previously, the product device template was not available to add with the product. Now, once the hardware product is created you can add a device template. You can mention your supported authentication type, attribute, command details and more. The templates allow you to configure once and when a change occurs, they are applied to all the associated devices.

To save significant time and effort for your organization, Partner Program now enables you to import devices in bulk from product management module.

In the menu, ‘Services’ has been renamed to ‘My Services.’

Earlier, ‘Help & Support’ was accessible from the Partner Program menu. Now, it is reachable from the top-right corner. The icon for ‘Help & Support’ can be found between the notification icon and the username icon.

To serve you better in raising and tracking tickets, we have shifted the ‘Tickets’ in the ‘Help & Support’ page. ‘Tickets’ shows new tickets, on hold tickets, resolved tickets and tickets list. Tickets list presents columns like number, title, assignment group, status, created on, updated on and actions. The list gives you an eagle-eye overview of your tickets and it can now be accessed easily from the ‘Help & Support’ page.

Previously, in consumption messages, the last three zeros of four-digit numbers used to be represented with the letter ‘K’. Now, to maintain consistency, in three-digit numbers, the last two zeros are also presented using the ‘K’ letter. For example, 500 will be displayed as 0.5k.

Earlier, IoTConnect user counts and device message counts used to be shown in round figures in ‘My Services’. Now, no round figures are going to be used. The zeros will be presented using letters like ‘K’ or ‘M’. For example, if you have utilized 100 messages, it will be shown as 0.1K in ‘Utilized Messages.’

Initially, there were five steps of onboarding for all types of partners, which included the sign agreement step. Since suppliers are not required to sign the agreement, the onboarding process for suppliers now only has four steps.

In Partner Program, on the ‘Help & Support’ page, you have the flexibility to authorize Avnet’s Partner Program team to use and access your account and related information for providing support to your queries/tickets. On clicking the radio button ON, you are allowing Avnet’s Partner Program support team to resolve your query. To solve your query, a proxy user will be created by the Partner Program admin from the Support portal to debug the issue/ticket created by the Partner.

We have upgraded our help wizard widgets for a better familiarizing experience.

When you browse and buy an ‘AI Model’ from Solutions Hub, it will be listed in the Partner Program’s ‘AI Models’ page. If you want to create your own AI model or product, you can create it from the Product Management tab. To manage your AI Models and AI Products efficiently, Partner Program allows you to permit a user to manage the AI Products Service. By granting permission, the user can manage AI Models and AI Products easily.

Version (November 05, 2020)

Previously, partners had to select plans and packages to onboard. With time, we observed that many partners were looking to get the clarity to choose the best ‘plans and packages’ to fulfill their business needs. To serve better in that direction, we made a change in that step. Instead of partners choosing plans and packages, now account managers will guide partners to select the best relevant packages from software, hardware and AI, based on their business needs. That way, we can also make sure that every partner gets the best from Partner Program. To know more about the services we offer, go through this article where we have described Partner Program services management concept.

We have added a new functionality in the hardware product management segment of Partner Program. Solutions Hub helps to amplify the reach of hardware products. While posting a product in Solutions Hub, Partner Program asks for some information like Solutions Hub display name, industry type, visibility regions, a short description of the product and so on. There, a section called ‘Product Images’ allows the user to display a maximum of five images. We have added a drag and drop facility to save time and enhance user experience.

We have added a new module called ‘Reports’ in the Admin portal. The module allows admins to know about the devices in sandbox and production environment, and message consumptions by every partner. It also provides the count of onboarded partners with their onboarding date. In all, reports enable admins to have a bird’s-eye view on partners’ activities.

Version (September 30, 2020)

Earlier, admins didn’t have direct access to information like the number of connected devices to IoTConnect, partner-wise consumption data, the top 5 consumers and the latest/new consumers. Partner Program now permits admins to access this information.

Previously, account managers, admins, or partners could not see messages and D2C data consumption from the dashboard. This gives Partner Program stakeholders handy access to messages and D2C data consumption, which saves time and efforts.

While onboarding, before you click the submit button and send us your application, you can now add a user email to send the Docusign agreement to an authorized person. Once the document is signed, the onboarding process will continue.

We have a six-step process to onboard a partner, out of which the third step is compliance check. This is where you need to upload certain required documents which are mentioned on the screen. Once uploaded, a compliance user verifies it. In any case, if a compliance user rejects the details and your document stays unsigned, the onboarding process will maintain the ‘In Progress’ status. That status will only progress when you upload the latest documents and they are verified.

We have updated Partner Program’s searching capability using meta tags. It can now pull similar or relevant words as per the search string. For example, if you search ‘predictive maintenance’ but there is no result found with that match exactly, it will show something relevant to it as a result. In this case, it may offer you ‘Smart Factory’ (if it is listed in the offerings) as a result when you search ‘predictive maintenance’ in Partner Program.

Partner Program has added columns of ‘Created by,’ ‘Created date,’ ‘Entity,’ ‘Updated by’ in Role Management, User Management and Product Management modules. We have also added a column of ‘Created date’ in Marketplace resources. It gives you a record of who created what and on which date, and if someone updates something, it also gets logged there.

We have designed a Help Wizard to get you acquainted with the Partner Program. The Help Wizard can be used to understand the main features in five steps while taking a tour of some of the features associated with your account. For example, get familiarized with IoTConnect’s functionality via IoTConnect DevLab. Explore Product Management to understand how to create and manage your software, hardware and AI products. This way, Help Wizard can help you to get accustomed to Partner Program.

Earlier, software product environment count was not available for both – QA and Production instances. Now, both instances show the software product environment count.

Previously, user wise entity column was not there in the User Management module of Partner Program. You can now see the Entity associated with each user.

In the Solutions Hub, a discrepancy was observed in product counts. We have resolved that inconsistency.

Entity level environment used to be assigned while creating a software product. This has now been fixed and you can select the entity while developing the software product.

Version (August 31, 2020)

Earlier, Partner Program allowed Partners to add company users one-by-one. Considering the time and effort it took to add individual users, we have now introduced a feature that enables Partners to bulk upload their company users.

Many times, hardware alone is not capable of meeting all the requirements. And certain times, the addition of associated hardware enhances the reach of hardware’s usability. Depending on the case, Partner Program enables Partners to allow their customers to buy associated products as an ‘and/or’ option. It can help Partners to serve their customers better.

During the Preview Solutions Hub screen, often, all the information is filled up but the ‘Submit for Approval’ button may not be clicked. To avoid losing the filled-up information, Partner Program is now generating a warning if the user forgets to click ‘Submit for Approval’ and moves to another feature.

Previously, there was no option of clearing the text inside the search box within various modules of Partner Program, so, users had to delete the search text manually after a failed search attempt. Now, Partner Program is providing a clear button marked ‘X’ icon inside the search box to delete the entire search text.

In the Solutions Hub, for Associated Products, we have created a button next to Buy Now, clicking on which takes you to the bottom of the page to see the associated products.

Partner Program will now keep the same number of emails for watchers and Account Managers. Whether it is about creating, submitting, compliance approval, or account manager approval emails – watchers and account managers will get the same number of emails from now on.

In cases where an Account Manager is inactivated, Partner Program will allocate another account manager to the Partner based on the plan they have selected.

Widgets are useful as they offer tons of information on your dashboard. You can see consumed messages for your consumer or if any consumer’s plan is expiring, you can get to know well in advance. But many times, information overload can affect decision-making. Hence, we have removed non-critical widgets related to consumption levels.

We have made the picture section more noticeable when publishing a new product to Solutions Hub from the Partner Program. The minimum requirements are also adjusted for better appearance.

The Build / Version for hardware on the Publish Product screen is not a mandatory field now.

Earlier, after an ‘Associated Product’ was added, the ‘Skip & Continue’ button used to linger, creating confusion on whether the selected product was saved or not. Now, the ‘Skip and Continue’ button will go away once the associated product is added.

While editing software parts, there was a long lag before the ‘Marketplace’ button pops up on the ‘Number of Environments’ section. This lag has been reduced significantly.

Version (July 31, 2020)

Earlier, the IoTConnect consumption was shown at a broader level, which would not give specific details. We have now added a couple of features to measure specific parameters (like Device to cloud messages, notifications etc.) of IoTConnect consumption.

'Playzone' is now called 'DevLab'. As the name suggests, DevLab acts as a laboratory to learn about the IoTConnect platform. Note that this change across the portal will not affect any functionality of the Partner Program.

'Marketplace' is now called 'Solutions Hub', which is a repository of solutions, hardware and AI models that you can readily use. Note that this change across the portal will not affect any functionality of the Partner Program.

Partner Program now allows different ways to search your product – from product code, product name, to a partner name and so on. In this list, we have added one more functionality, called ‘Part Number’. You can now add part numbers for any product category, from hardware, software, to services. Using part number, you can now search your products.

Version (June 25, 2020)

There is no option to upgrade or downgrade a plan anymore. However, plans can be changed from Plans and Packages.

‘Browse AI models’ has replaced the ‘purchase AI models’ button in AI Models module. On clicking, ‘browse AI models,’ you will be redirected to the Solution Hub to explore the AI models.

Clicking on ‘Browse AI Models’ will take the partner to Solution Hub, from where they can view the AI models. If any model fulfills their purpose, the partner needs to contact the Avnet Team through the ‘Contact Us’ button on Solution Hub. Avnet’s IoT Partner Program team will then coordinate with the respective partner to create you as consumer in AI products which will enable the consumer to access the AI model.

‘Invitee’ tab is removed from the ‘My Consumers’ module and replaced by create consumer. The former process of creating a consumer through ‘Invitee’ was bit lengthy and little complex too as it was involving a series of emails. Nevertheless, with the current process, a consumer is created just with the click and some minor details. Overall, Partner Program now lets you to create a consumer in hassle-free way.

‘My Earnings’ module has been removed. During the initial launch, since there are no online transactions, this module has been removed.

‘Order Management’ module is removed. Solution Hub allows consumers to see the products in-detail. There will be no pricing information. An interested consumer will need to contact the Avnet Partner Program team using ‘Contact Us’ button for further process. This means that the partner will not be needed to manage any order.

Version (June 24, 2020)

Earlier, when partners sent the solution to their consumers, to locate the solution, the consumers had to do a lot of back and forth. Now, they can add a solution URL to the environment.

To get event-based real-time data, typical APIs are not preferred. Instead, webhooks serve that purpose efficiently. Previously, the webhook configuration was available only with the production environment. Now, it is available with the sandbox environment as well. So, partners can keep getting event notifications regardless of the environment.

In the ‘Hardware’ product type, multiple categories appear under Solution Hub approval tab. Partners can now select the industry, sensor type, connectivity, interfaces/protocol and IoTConnect certification – to present the product on Solution Hub with multiple categories.

Using Solution Hub, as a partner, you can extend your customer reach to millions of prospects. During the initial launch of the program, to subscribe or buy your solutions, customers will be required to ‘Contact Us’ from the Partner Program. The Avnet Partner Program team will then contact the respective product owner to create a buyer as a consumer to whom the solution can be sold. This will help the consumers to get access to their requests.

Version (June 23, 2020)

DevLab is now available to everyone. The fundamental idea behind creating DevLab is to allow partners to get familiarized with the IoTConnect platform. Using DevLab, they can simulate the behavior of their products/solutions to address issues before building or launching their application. From now on, DevLab is available to all partners so that they can better explore the potential of IoTConnect.

DevLab messages are available in monthly plans as well. DevLab is the bridge to get more familiarized with IoTConnect. The concern was available messages with DevLab. At first, DevLab was billed annually. But now, that facility has changed with the offering of messages in monthly plans so that users can take more benefits from DevLab.

Earlier, while creating a product, developers were required to create consumers with user APIs. To simplify consumer creation, Partner Program now allows developers to use DevLab as a consumer. With this, there is no need to create a dummy consumer.

Using the ‘Subscribe For Demo’ feature of DevLab, partners can access the demo and test the solution. They will be able to add devices and users, see product consumption, explore the connectors and a lot more.

With the ‘Customize’ feature of DevLab, partners can offer our solution as their own and tailor it as according to their needs. If all the elements are fine, they can provision new products with a few clicks.